完全领会David Shrigley在Hayward画廊的Brain Activity(脑活力) 秀展,你需要停止对当代艺术不允许明快、有趣、些许敷衍的所有期许。
阅读了秀展简介后我意识到,在我参观期间我错过了“艺术家个人囤积的脚指甲”,我很高兴我错过了。但是当我看到露台上大大的“LOOK AT THIS(看这儿)”标志后我确实微笑了,一只硕鼠的尸体被放在地上,如果你不往下看的话就永远不会发现。一只狗标本用它的后腿站立着,挥舞着它确实已经死亡的信息。一列靴子看似出自一部卡通片,有着随意构勒的轮廓,等等。粗糙、直接、振奋。Brain Activity(脑活力) 给我的一天带来简洁有力的插曲,我希望以下的图片也会让你快乐:
David Shrigley, Lost, 1996
Image © the artist and courtesy of the artist
I’m Dead, 2010. Installation view of David Shrigley: Brain Activity at the Hayward Gallery. Photo: Linda Nylind
Installation view of David Shrigley: Brain Activity at the Hayward Gallery. Photo: Linda Nylind
The Bell, 2007 (the text reads “Not to be rung again until Jesus returns”)
Boots, 2010
David Shrigley, Balloon, 2002.
Image © the artist and courtesy of the artist
Installation view of David Shrigley: Brain Activity at the Hayward Gallery. Photo: Linda Nylind
Untitled, 2011. Courtesy of David Shrigley and Yvon Lambert
Untitled, 2011. Courtesy of David Shrigley and Yvon Lambert
Untitled, 2011. Courtesy of David Shrigley and Yvon Lambert
Untitled, 2011. Courtesy of David Shrigley and Yvon Lambert
New Friends, 2006
在youtube网站上有David Shrigley所制作的动画电影collection(集)。
David Shrigley: Brain Activity(David Shrigley:脑活力)将于伦敦的 Hayward Gallery, Southbank Center展至2012年的5月13日,周日。